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My Vote Won’t Make a Difference

You’re in a conversation and someone says, “My vote doesn’t make a difference, so I’m not voting.” What would you say? 137 million people voted in the 2016 election. That’s a lot of people. One vote, out of 137 million, doesn’t seem likely to make a difference, does it? But is that a good reason

I Don’t Like Any of Them, I’m Not Voting.

You’re in a conversation and someone says, “I don’t like any of the candidates so I’m not voting.” What would you say? Sometimes choices in elections can be very difficult. In an ideal world, citizens would always have the chance to vote between really great people, and choose the one they agree with in every

Why Vote?

You’re in a conversation and someone says, “Why vote? Politics are ugly, and God is sovereign no matter who is in office.” What would you say? It’s true that God is always in charge. Scripture is clear that nothing can ultimately derail God’s plan. But does that mean we don’t need to care about what

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