Abortion Is Health Care
What Would You Say?
You’re in a conversation about abortion and someone says, “Abortion should be legal because abortion is health care.”
What would you say?
Abortion is morally troubling, but labeling it as health makes it easier to defend as a practice.
But that doesn’t make the label accurate. The next time you hear someone say that abortion is health care, remember these three things.
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You’re in a conversation about abortion and someone says, “Abortion should be legal because abortion is health care.” What would you say? Abortion is morally troubling, but labeling it as health makes it easier to defend as a practice. But that doesn’t make the label accurate. The next time you hear someone say that abortion is health care, remember these three things. The purpose of health care is to heal or preserve life. Upon becoming licensed, doctors have long pledged to, “Do no harm.” Abortion fails this test. It’s true that in rare and tragic cases like tubal pregnancies or cancer, doctors may not be able to save the pre-born child as they seek to help the mother. But lacking the technology to keep the baby alive is different than trying to kill the child—which is always wrong. Beyond that, we know that these tragic and rare situations involving the life of the mother are not the focus of the abortion debate. Abortion is debated because almost all abortions are done simply because the mother no longer wants to be pregnant. It is in that context that we rightly question whether abortion is health care. Which leads to the second point. Abortion is not health care because pregnancy is not a disease. Where health care seeks to preserve healthy functioning, abortion interferes with it. Not only is abortion the intentional killing of a human life, a pregnancy is evidence that the reproductive system is functioning as intended. Pregnancy demonstrates reproductive health, not disease. Instead of preserving the healthy functioning of the body, abortion interferes with it through the artificial and often violent termination of the pregnancy. Abortion is more accurately described as anti-health care. Which leads to the third point. Abortion is not health care because it doesn’t preserve life, it ends it. There is no reasonable dispute over the fact that abortion ends a human life. Many abortion advocates, including abortion practitioner and clinic founder Bertran Wainer, have said as much. "Abortion is killing. Nobody can argue with that. When the fetus is inside the uterus it is alive and when the pregnancy is terminated it is dead." This admission conflicts with the purpose of health care, which exists to preserve life. It’s one thing to say abortion is justified, although even that can be refuted, but under no circumstances is it health care. So the next time you hear someone say abortion is health care, remember these three things. The purpose of health care is to preserve or restore healthy functioning. Abortion doesn’t do this. Abortion is not health care because pregnancy is not a disease. Abortion actually interferes with healthy functioning. Abortion is not health care because it doesn’t preserve life, it ends it. For What would you say, I’m Brooke Boriack. If you liked this video, hit like and then share your thoughts in the comments. If you’d like to see the next video, hit subscribe and make sure you hit the bell as well to be notified every time a new video is released. If you’d like to help keep these videos free, your tax deductible contribution is greatly appreciated.