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Woke Culture

Socialism is the Answer

You’re in a conversation and someone says, “Socialism ensures a just and equal society. The only way to guarantee a basic standard of living for everyone is by adopting a socialist system.” What would you say? At some point, we all look around at the problems in our society and wonder if there’s a better

Is Transgenderism Logical?

You’re in a conversation and someone says “our personal sense of our own gender is what determines what our gender is. The only way to know someone’s gender is to ask.” What would you say? Today, some people distinguish between biological sex and gender identity. We’re told they are unrelated, meaning your body has nothing

You Can’t Be Gay If Gender Is Invisible

The “LGBTQ” acronym is everywhere. This movement that has its own flag, is called a “community,” and claims to be united on important core beliefs. But is that true? What would you say? Though we’ve been conditioned to think of “LGBTQ” as a singular movement, the deepest beliefs of those in the transgender community directly

Intersex People Prove There Are More Than Two Genders

You’re in a conversation and someone says, “Some people are born not male or female, but are intersex. This proves there are more than two genders.” What would you say? Some people are born with a reproductive system that does not match what is typically considered male or female. Does that mean they represent a

Is Critical Theory Practical?

You’re in a conversation and someone says, “Critical theory helps identify and end oppression, so anyone who cares about putting a stop to oppression should support critical theory.”   What would you say?   Critical theory is the idea that any human society can be divided into two groups: those who have power and those

Is Critical Theory Biblical?

Is Critical Theory Biblical? You’re in a conversation and someone says, “Since God cares about the oppressed, Christians should embrace critical theory, because its trying to eliminate oppression too.” What would you say? Critical theory is one way our culture attempts to explain and confront power structures. Some Christians have embraced it as well. But

Jesus Was a Socialist

You’re in a conversation and someone says, “Jesus was all about helping the poor and needy. That means Jesus was a socialist!” What would you say? It’s true that during his earthly ministry Jesus cared for the poor, the sick, and the marginalized. It’s also true that some proponents of socialism also care about the

It’s Fair for Boys to Play Girls Sports If They Say They’re Girls

You’re in a conversation and someone says, “Transgender athletes should be able to participate on whatever sports teams they choose. Girls’ sports should be open to anyone who says they are female.” What would you say? Some people think that gender is determined by how you feel and identify, not by your biology. So, if

Are Christians Legally Required to Bake Gay Wedding Cakes?

You’re in a conversation about marriage and religious freedom and someone says, “Discrimination is illegal. It doesn’t matter if you oppose same-sex marriage, you have to bake the cake.” What would you say? Even before the Supreme Court redefined marriage, some states and cities passed laws making sexual orientation a protected class. Today, some believe

Opposing Same-Sex Marriage Is Just Like Opposing Interracial Marriage

You’re in a conversation about marriage and someone says, “Opposing same-sex marriage is just like opposing interracial marriage. Christians used to oppose that as well.” What Would you Say? The church’s history on interracial marriage is imperfect. Some who claim to be Christians have done things that are simply evil. Others opposed those evils, helped

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