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What Does the Bible Say About Sex?

You’re in a conversation, and someone says, “Christians are so negative about sex. Why do Christians hate sex so much?”   What Would You Say?   The Christian view of sex comes from the Bible’s depiction of reality and human beings. The Bible portrays sex as something brilliant and beautiful, a good gift of God

Is ‘Love Is Love’ True?

The slogan “love is love” seems to show up everywhere.  Behind the slogan is an assertion: that the sincerity of affection is enough to justify any relationship, especially same-sex relationships, and that’s enough for that relationship to be called “marriage.”  After all, who’s to say who can and can’t love each other? And why should

Do ‘Third Genders’ in Ancient Cultures Prove Transgender Ideology?

  An argument that is often used to justify radical ideologies about gender and sexuality today is the existence of so-called “third” genders in various cultures throughout history. “Third gender” refers to individuals who did not fully conform to the male and female norms of their cultures.   What Would You Say?   The next

You Can’t Be Gay If Gender Is Invisible

The “LGBTQ” acronym is everywhere. This movement that has its own flag, is called a “community,” and claims to be united on important core beliefs. But is that true? What would you say? Though we’ve been conditioned to think of “LGBTQ” as a singular movement, the deepest beliefs of those in the transgender community directly

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