Ryan Bomberger


The Radiance Foundation


Ryan is an Emmy® Award-winning creative professional who founded The Radiance Foundation, a life-affirming 501(c)(3), along with his wife, Bethany. He is a broadcast media designer, producer, columnist, passionate factivist, international public speaker, and author of the powerful book, Not Equal: Civil Rights Gone Wrong. From congressional briefings on Capitol Hill to launching billboard campaigns in major cities across the country to advocating for adoption to inspiring youth & adults with their one-of-a-kind multimedia presentations, Ryan has had incredible opportunities to address hundreds of thousands across the country.

His regularly published articles address the cultural dynamics of abortion, adoption, eugenics, fatherlessness, natural marriage, racism, #BlackLivesMatter, poverty, LGBT and judicial activism, free speech and religious liberty. Find out more about Ryan’s work at www.theradiancefoundation.org.